Re-shoes or tire service business plan. Ready-made tire service business plan with calculations

When creating your own tire service business plan, you should understand that this is not a business where you will earn a huge amount in a couple of months. The difficulty of this business lies, first of all, in the enormous competition - in large cities you can find about fifty tire shops with excellent craftsmen and reasonable prices. In addition, we must not forget about the large amount of equipment required to open a tire shop. You will have to invest a tidy sum just to start your business. So why, if everything is so complicated, are we writing about this business? The fact is that as the number of cars on the roads grows, so does the number of potential tire service customers. And these clients will, in any case, use the services of a tire workshop twice a year, and whether it will be your workshop or a competitor’s workshop depends on personal efforts and advertising.

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The advantage of this business is the constant flow of money, albeit not much. In certain periods, you will not earn very much money, which will only be enough to cover the operating costs, but during the season you will earn 5 times more than usual. In addition, we will tell you how you can reduce rental costs, staff salaries, and also present possible prospects for expanding your business in the future.

Tire service business plan: first steps

The first thing you need to do is register your company. Registering a company as an individual entrepreneur will suit us - it will be easier for us to pay taxes, and in general this is the best option for small businesses. Registration takes place in several steps, the main thing is to come up with a company name, indicate the authorized capital and owner of the company. In addition to this, there will be many more certificates, which not everyone wants to collect - there are special companies for this. They themselves, for a certain amount, will go through all the authorities and receive a work permit. Drawing up the documents will cost 3 thousand rubles, this is our first tire fitting expense.

After the registration of a tire fitting business has been completed, you need to start looking for premises for tire fitting. This is a very important, if not the most important, point of a business plan. If you don’t know where to open a tire shop, then you should take some advice from professionals. We need to choose the most suitable location for our business based on accessibility for clients, openness of the area and low rent, which allows us not to overcharge our services. Don’t chase the city center, the influx of clients will increase insignificantly, but the price will be 200 thousand per month. Too expensive for a young business. Try to find a spacious garage or tire shop in an open area so that you can park several cars. In the Moscow area you can find tire fitting boxes for 10 thousand rubles per month. The fact is that such a box costs 60 thousand and its owner simply makes money from rent.

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Where to start a tire business

The main difficulty in opening a new tire shop is the price of the equipment; for the most part, the costs of the tire business are made up of it. If you buy absolutely everything you might need, of the highest quality, the price will reach 40 thousand dollars. Naturally, a new player in the tire market does not have such a budget. We will reduce our expenses, buy cheaper equipment and make do with the most necessary tools. Now we will tell you how a tire service business plan can “lose weight” with the help of simple secrets.

In order to change the tires on a car, it needs to be raised. Cool tire change companies use a crane that the car is driven onto, lifted up, and then the tires are changed. Such a crane costs 160 thousand rubles. Let's replace it with a jack, which performs the same functions, but the process does not look as impressive. The price of a jack starts from 1.5 thousand rubles and reaches 17 thousand. Moreover, a jack for 17 thousand rubles lifts a truck. Also, when opening a tire shop, it is advised to buy a machine for cleaning old tires. This is a small installation costing 130 thousand rubles, which will wash old tires in ten minutes. But only 10% of customers want to pay for it, the rest simply throw the tires in the trunk and take them to their garage. We only need to buy equipment that will be useful in our work; we will not spend such amounts on unnecessary equipment.

We need to purchase a tire changer for passenger car wheels, a balancing stand and a compressor for pumping up pressure. This is the basis of tire fitting, the main tools for working with tires and repairing them. It is also worth purchasing a vulcanizer; it is inexpensive and is used quite often. All this equipment will cost us 102 thousand rubles and this is the largest expense in our tire service business plan. These one-time expenses make this business one of the hardest to start.

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Tire service business plan: personnel search

Typically, a tire repair shop is open in the afternoon, since car owners work for up to two hours, and after work they go to change tires and repair their breakdowns. We will proceed from this schedule and hire one person to do all the work in the workshop. For ideal work you need two people, but if we decide to reduce costs to a minimum, we will have to work ourselves. We will not perform any special work, we will simply provide assistance with installing the jack and feeding the tool. We will also perform accounting work and receive payment for the work performed.

Salaries in the tire fitting industry vary depending on the range of services provided by the technician. Just adjusting the car, putting it on a jack and replacing the tires is one thing, but adjusting the tire pressure, checking them for internal damage, and so on is another level of work. We will find a good specialist and offer two types of salaries - piecework or time-based. It is more profitable for us to provide piecework wages; this stimulates the employee more. In addition, during the off-season, we will not waste money without receiving any income. The optimal rate is 10% of the total profit of the enterprise per month.

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Finding clients for tire fitting business

In any business, customers are the most important element. Clients bring their money and allow us to pay for our operation, clients force us to compete. Before you start your work, take care of your customer base - create an interesting promotion, distribute leaflets at the car wash to all customers, tell your friends that you have opened your own business and can provide services at a discount. Our task is to give some kind of start to your business; if you stand still, you will soon not only go into debt, but also lose the desire to work.

Don't forget the power of the internet - it's a very effective marketing tool these days and if you do it right, clients will come. Write advertisements on special boards, they appear on the Internet at every turn, tell about your services on social networks. Such advertising will cost a couple of hundred rubles, but it will bring about a dozen clients and will definitely pay for itself. Remember - the main thing is to have a sufficient client base by winter and summer, which will bring in enough money during the season so that you can then function on it until the next season. This is how all small tire shops live.

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Tire service business plan: expenses and income

Pay attention to how much money is spent on equipment. This is a huge expense for a tire service business and you don’t have to immediately pay 102 thousand for all the equipment - gradually buy each item on the list and when you decide to open your own tire service, you will already have everything you need. We need to spend a total of 102 thousand rubles on equipment. You can’t do without consumables – patches, oils, and so on. With a small flow of clients, our costs for materials will be 6 thousand rubles.

Operating costs are also quite high. We will pay 10 thousand rubles for renting the premises and 15 thousand rubles will go towards the salary of the foreman. Let's also add advertising costs - 3 thousand rubles per month will be enough. As a result, we need 28 thousand rubles per month for operation - a completely recouped amount.

Let's talk about income in this area. Replacing tires will cost the client 1,800 rubles, add here the price of diagnosing tire pressure - 1,000 rubles and we will get the average bill from the client. In order to pay for ourselves and pay taxes, we need to serve 10-12 clients per month. With the right advertising, you will get 10 clients per day.

There are quite a lot of car service workshops, in particular those specializing in tire fitting, in every city. The reason for this is the large number of vehicles on the roads.

So is it worth trying your hand at this business, where competition is already great? Definitely yes, since the demand for services is only growing every year, according to statistical research and practice. The second question is how to properly organize your business in such a way as to survive in the face of a large number of competitors and make a good profit? Let's figure it out together.

Workshop location

It is the location that plays the main role in the number of orders and, accordingly, income. Should you look for it in a residential area or in the city center among fashionable shops? Definitely no. A busy bypass road, a highway of regional or international importance, busy highways, traffic intersections - this is where the driver and his vehicle may need help, and he will look for the nearest service. Also, don’t discount the good location near a gas station or parking area.

If you have your eye on the ideal location, look around to see if there are any competitors nearby. If you place your point two meters from a workshop already known to car enthusiasts, no one will say thank you and the level of earnings will not be guaranteed.

Costs of opening and maintaining a business

So, the starting investment for a full-fledged tire service with a staff of workers, rented premises and new equipment will cost approximately $7000 :

If you are planning to start your business in a small format, then an existing garage that can service 3-4 cars daily may be suitable for starting. In addition, if you have your own set of tools and you are going to work independently, the costs will be reduced several times. To begin with, $1000 will be enough to purchase the most necessary equipment.

Monthly costs for a large service will be $1500 :

Let's compare costs with profits

During the active season, about 25 customers come to the tire shop every day. The cost of repairing a wheel is low - from $3 to $4. If you calculate the average, then your daily earnings will be $80. Income per month, taking into account 1 day off per week, will be about $2000. Taking into account the monthly costs of the enterprise, it remains $500 net income monthly. That is, even a full-fledged workshop with new equipment and premises in a favorable location with full-time mechanics will pay for itself within 14 months.

As for the mini-service, it will begin to make a profit in a few months, and you will have the opportunity to expand your business. But there are pitfalls that should be taken into account.

Risk analysis

  • The main problem of business is its seasonal dependence. The lion's share of orders comes in autumn and spring, when drivers are forced to change tires. To avoid making the enterprise unprofitable, it is worth distributing income in advance in such a way as to cover expenses during the downtime period.
  • The problem that has already been voiced is the high level of competition with other points. If a competitor is more successful, profit levels will fall. This possibility must be anticipated in advance and the location chosen correctly.
  • Another risk is the professionalism of auto mechanics. The skill level of the workers is very important, as they are responsible for the safety of the driver on the road. Negligent work will immediately be revealed, and the client will not contact you again. High-quality personnel selection is the key to success.

Opening schedule

The time it takes to open a case will depend entirely on its format. In any case, you will have to prepare documents (about 3-4 weeks). For a large format, you need to calculate the period for purchasing quality equipment and finding premises.

If you know a proven mechanic, then from the moment of the first starting investment to the opening it will take no more than one or two months. If you are a manager and do not understand installation, you will have to allow time for searching for personnel.

Type of tire service

This business is suitable for both beginners and professionals due to the range of services provided. There are two main types of organization of activities:

  • stationary– more traditional and familiar service at the specified address, including all kinds of manipulations with wheels;
  • mobile- a newer service that involves the departure of equipped vehicles to the place of breakdown for urgent provision of services in terms of repairing wheels.

Story about the mobile version of the enterprise:

There is also a division according to transport ownership:

  • servicing of passenger cars;
  • work with trucks, trailers, buses, etc.;
  • service of special (sports and rally) vehicles.

Quite often, the owner of a passenger stationary service, when expanding, organizes a mobile one as a type of additional services. It is quite problematic to immediately make money by providing services on the road.

Quantity and name of equipment

In accordance with the financial plan, you can spend about $3,500 on the purchase of equipment. If you are saving on your budget, you can take advantage of offers on used equipment. It is mainly represented by the following categories:

  1. computerized;
  2. semi-automated;
  3. fully automated.

To operate properly, a tire workshop must be equipped with the following equipment:

  • diagnostic (identifying problems);
  • painting (painting of wheels);
  • balancing;
  • welding;
  • hydraulic (installation and dismantling work);
  • units for pumping wheels;
  • specialized vulcanizers (for heat treatment of materials).

A good workshop should have constant supply of consumables and specialized tools. It would be good if employees had the same overalls and a supply of work gloves. The equipment must be designed to work not only with domestic cars, but also with various foreign models.

Recruitment of employees

The number of employees determines the format of the business: from one to work in a personal garage to 2-4 to work in a large room with a large list of possible repairs. For seasonal work, journeymen or apprentices may be needed, whose role can be played by students.

The main quality of an employee is his professionalism. An equally important indicator is responsibility and a healthy lifestyle.

Going to work while drunk is unacceptable, since human life will depend on the adequacy of the mechanic. If you are recruiting new staff through an interview and not from your circle of close acquaintances, keep in mind that it is easier to train young people to communicate politely and correctly with clients than it is to train veterans.

Organization of competent advertising

Promoting a tire service differs from the form of advertising for another type of business, since standard techniques may not work. What will an advertisement in a newspaper give to a driver if a breakdown occurs on the road? In the same time portable or stationary billboard close to the location will attract the attention of customers.

It is better not to give a complex name to the workshop; it is enough to define the type of activity, it will be clearer.

Another trick is to place a price list in front of the entrance. It needs to be presented in very detailed form. The more services the client sees, the more he will order.

Growth prospects

This point in a business plan for a tire shop is not mandatory; many aspiring entrepreneurs do not write anything at all except the financial part. This is not entirely correct. If you see the prospects of your business in advance, you have a goal and motivation to expand. And this factor will affect the reasonable distribution of funds, investment of profits in business development, which will entail receiving even greater profits.

A small service can plan for the following capabilities in the future:

  • Expand the list of services for passenger vehicles. Perhaps, next to the tire service, you can set up a car service center and serve customers in terms of body repair, electrical and electronics, prepare cars for sale, restore, carry out diagnostics, etc.
    You will also have to start with a small form of office work, since in addition to the premises and workers, you will need specialized equipment. The cost of opening is much higher than a tire service, but the income is of a completely different order. You can start by renting a room and starting work in one or two directions with subsequent expansion. When your tire service is idle, you will receive profit from the service station.
  • If the cost of opening a car service reaches several hundred thousand dollars, then providing tire replacement services for trucks will require much less investment. To replace tires and rims of buses and trucks, you will need a skilled technician, special equipment and more expensive consumables. But by doing more complex work, you can expect to earn more income. Moreover, this niche is not completely filled and is in good demand.
  • Also, do not forget about creating a mobile version of the enterprise, which, together with one driver, will be able to work on the road.

The profitability of entrepreneurship is quite high - 40-50%; with the proper skill, the invested funds can be returned within 6-14 months with the prospect of receiving a stable profit. Pay attention not only to high-quality, but also polite service, take into account possible problems, and your business will prosper.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

From 300,000 ₽

Starting investments

75,000 - 800,000 RUR



12-24 months

Payback period

Tire fitting as a business means a minimum investment, ease of organization, quick payback, and most importantly, consistently high demand due to the constant increase in the number of cars. Let's find out what you need to get started.

The Russian vehicle fleet is growing every year. Currently, there are about 300 cars per 1000 people. Moreover, this figure will clearly grow - the Russian Federation is in the sixth ten in this ranking of countries in the world. In the USA there are almost 800 cars per 1000 people, and in San Marino there are generally 1200 cars per 1000 people. Thus, tire fitting services will be increasingly in demand every year. Moreover, with the adoption of the law on the mandatory use of winter tires, every motorist has to change tires at least twice a year. Let's look at how to build a business based on a tire workshop.

Which tire mounting format to choose

Currently, there are two options for opening a tire fitting business – mobile and stationary. First of all, we need to decide in which segment we want to work.

If a stationary tire service has long been known to everyone and is usually a small room with permanently installed equipment for repairing and replacing car tires, then a mobile tire service is a specially equipped vehicle that provides on-site services for all types of tire work, usually around the clock.

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Both options for opening a tire shop have their own demand. Mobile tire fitting, of course, is developing at a faster pace, as it provides more convenience to the client, but its services are also somewhat more expensive. The disadvantages of mobile tire fitting, first of all, include the lower quality of the services provided, due to the fact that mobile equipment is more difficult to calibrate. In the future, the balance between the number of mobile and stationary tire stations will be leveled; mobile tire stations will be primarily used in case of breakdowns on the roads and other emergencies, and stationary stations will be used for routine tire replacement.

What equipment is needed for tire fitting?

To ensure production, it is necessary to purchase equipment. An approximate list of equipment is given in the table below. The amount of investment required to purchase equipment is 357,000 rubles.

List of tire fitting equipment


price, rub.

Quantity, rub.

Total cost, rub.

Basic equipment

Tire changer

Balancing machine



Impact wrenches




Metal workbench

Tool kit

Set of consumables

Delivery, installation, connection

If there is no connection to the electrical grid, then a generator will be required, but this option is undesirable, since the cost of providing energy will be significant.

For mobile tire fitting, you need approximately the same list of equipment, but in addition you will need a car with a cargo compartment, preferably at least 15 m. The cost of such a car, of course, is significant. For example, Mercedes Sprinter, Iveco Daily or PEUGEOT Boxer minibuses are suitable.

The number of manufacturers of tire fitting equipment is very large. The cost of a set of equipment starts from 150 thousand rubles. This, of course, is the cheapest and not the highest quality equipment. A high-quality kit will cost 300–400 thousand rubles.

What are the requirements for a tire shop?

Let us briefly dwell on the issue of the characteristics of the premises for stationary tire fitting.

The most significant issue when organizing a workshop is finding a suitable site. It is important to choose a convenient location, since the profitability of the business depends on it. The most attractive areas for a tire shop are those that are in an area of ​​high but slow traffic. It can be:

    parking lots of mega-complexes, shopping centers;

    parking lots and garages;

    areas at the entrance to residential areas;

    busy city streets;

    entrance to the city.

The most suitable area is considered to be the area behind the traffic light. While waiting for the green signal, the driver may look around the area and notice an advertising sign or sign leading to a workshop.

When choosing a location, you should pay attention to the presence of competitors nearby. This will allow you to assess the level of consumer demand and make a decision on the choice of site. The building of a tire workshop should be clearly visible from the road and have convenient access.

In addition to the characteristics of the site, it is necessary to take into account the room in which the workshop with all the equipment will be located. For an ordinary workshop, an area of ​​30 sq.m. will be sufficient. Any non-residential buildings are suitable for this: garages, hangars, etc.

Currently, the market offers ready-made modular solutions for a tire workshop. Their cost starts from 250 thousand rubles. As a rule, such a solution is cheaper than building a structure from traditional materials. What is especially convenient is that such pavilions are already equipped with everything necessary - from windows and doors to electrical wiring. Sufficient thermal insulation of the premises is provided.

Premises requirements:

    the presence of ventilation, plumbing, heating and at least one window;

    separate premises (i.e. outside residential buildings and public buildings);

    finishing of floors and walls with moisture-resistant and explosion-proof materials;

    explosion-proof lamps and devices;

    Availability of a bathroom and shower for staff.

It is optimal if there is a small waiting room for clients. Separately, special attention must be paid to the quality of the floor covering, since the equipment of a tire workshop weighs quite a lot and the floors must withstand significant loads.

Tire service staff

For round-the-clock operation of tire fitting, which is necessary, especially during high periods of demand for services, two teams of two people are required. One of the main advantages of this business is that almost anyone can do it, and no special knowledge is required. Secondary technical or higher education, experience in car repair, tire fitting skills. One person can work at one installation station. However, this does not mean that there are no requirements for employees at all. Clients are earned through honest and high-quality work.

The average salary of tire service workers is about 40 thousand rubles, but it all depends on the region. The highest salaries are in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as in the northern regions of the country, where the salary of a tire worker can exceed 60 thousand rubles.

How much do tire shops earn?

The cost of tire replacement services in small cities starts from 500 rubles, in cities with a population of over a million - from 700-800 rubles, in Moscow - from 1000-1500 rubles. The revenue of tire shops is highly dependent on seasonality, so there is no average revenue here. The peak of sales occurs in spring and autumn - the time of transition from winter tires to summer tires and vice versa. The start of the high sales season for tire fitting in the south of the country occurs in March and November, while in the northern regions the spring season starts a little later, and the autumn season earlier. At this time, the workload of tire workshops is such that they work around the clock in a very intense mode. During the off-season, some tire shops close.

A tire shop's revenue is also strongly related to its location. During the season, tire fitting brings in about 25-30 thousand rubles per day. Maximum sales volumes occur in November-December and March-April, as motorists change tires at this time. During the period of peak sales, the revenue of one workshop can reach up to 800 thousand rubles per month with daily maintenance of 15-25 cars. However, in other months, demand can sharply decrease to 4-5 clients per day and revenue of about 75-150 thousand rubles. In fact, such figures indicate that in the low season the tire shop operates on the brink of break-even, and profits are generated in the high season.

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The main expense item for a tire shop is wages and mandatory deductions from them. Other main costs include: rent of land, costs of materials for repairs and components, costs of utilities.

As for the payback period for a tire workshop, it ranges from one to two years. Basically, the payback period depends on the amount of equipment costs and the correct location of the workshop, which largely determines the amount of its revenue. According to experts, the profitability of tire shops is 35-40%

Where is the best place to open a tire shop?

Tire workshops are a fairly popular type of business. Their number increases every year; in some large cities there are 38 tire shops per 100 thousand inhabitants. In the ranking of cities with the highest concentration of tire shops per capita at the time of writing, the leaders are Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg. Therefore, before opening a tire shop in your city, study the competition in the local market. This data can be obtained using services like 2GIS.

To ensure the efficient operation of a tire workshop, it is very important to choose the right location. First of all, good traffic flow is desirable, which passes near the tire repair shop. It is optimal to choose a location near major avenues, gas stations or large parking lots. This choice will help you reduce the negative influences of such factors as seasonality, since you will always be visible. It is not advisable to locate a tire shop next to competitors. As a rule, good locations for a tire shop are rarely empty, but options for locating a new workshop can always be found.

Some experts point out that being located near garage cooperatives is a plus for a tire shop, since the cooperative generates traffic flow; other experts believe that this is a minus, since garage owners often change tires along with rims themselves. In our opinion, the presence of a garage cooperative is rather a plus, since among car owners there are more and more women who find it physically difficult to replace tires, and young people who are used to paying for such services. Women and youth, according to workshop owners, are the best clients.

Ready ideas for your business

The presence of a residential area near the workshop can also be a positive factor. Pay special attention to new multi-story residential complexes, whose residents may lack car services. Today you can estimate the density of competitors in many Russian cities using online cartographic directories like 2GIS.

Legal aspects of opening a tire shop

As for the organizational form of business registration, it is recommended to choose an individual entrepreneur. A limited liability company should be registered to open a tire shop only if there are several business owners. However, as a rule, the tire fitting business does not provide enough profit to be of interest to several owners at once.

There are no special requirements for tire fittings. However, if you do everything “as expected,” the costs will increase except to pay for the services of specialized companies for the removal and disposal of old tires, which many car owners abandon during installation after replacement. There are strict environmental regulations for the disposal of old tires, so having such an agreement will demonstrate your good intentions and law-abidingness.

The work of a tire workshop is subject to the taxation regime in the form of a single tax on imputed income (UTII). UTII is a special taxation regime that is available for certain types of activities, while tax accounting is kept in a simplified form, but accounting is still necessary. It is optimal, in the case of using UTII, to engage a specialized outsourcing accounting company to maintain accounting records and calculate taxes. The owner of a tire repair shop pays taxes on imputed income, social contributions and contributions to the Pension Fund, as well as personal income tax. When choosing a single tax, an organization is exempt from paying other taxes.

UTII is also convenient because on the basis of Art. 346.32 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a company can reduce the amount of UTII payment by the amount of quarterly insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, sick leave payments, and mandatory social insurance payments. At the moment, owners of tire workshops can fully take into account the fixed amounts paid to the pension fund to reduce UTII only if they do not have hired employees, that is, not pay UTII at all. Individual entrepreneurs using hired labor can reduce UTII within 50% of the amount.

The main code for the new OKVED directory is 45.20 “Services for maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.” Also, if there are certain types of activities, it is necessary to additionally use the following codes: OKVED code 45.20.1 “Maintenance and repair of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles”, OKVED code 45.20.2 “Maintenance and repair of other motor vehicles”, OKVED code 45.20 .3 “Vehicle washing, polishing and similar services.”

What documents are needed to open a tire shop?

The requirements of the SES require the preparation of the following documents to open a tire workshop:

    production control program;

    conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the premises with standards;

    permission from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out activities;

    contracts for the removal of waste, hazardous substances, disinfection, washing of workwear.

How to advertise a tire service

The most effective advertising for a tire shop is usually local advertising, which is distributed near the workshop itself. Distributing booklets and advertising in elevators and nearby service points for cars that do not have their own tire service are effective.

It would be a good idea to register on message boards and social networks, but such advertising will generate significantly less traffic. It would be great if you provide clients with the option of recording via the Internet. Website builders have ready-made blocks that will make it easy to organize such an opportunity for clients.

How to increase the profitability of your tire shop

An important point in organizing a tire fitting business is specialized software that allows you to keep convenient records of its activities. There are many types of such software. There are options for installing such software on a computer or using the system in the cloud. Additionally, it allows you to quickly register orders, limit employee access to only the necessary financial data, makes it easy to account for income and expenses and build an effective staff motivation system. Moreover, for a small tire workshop you can even find a free solution.

In an effort to increase business profitability, many tire shops are either opening new locations or expanding related services. For example, due to the increase in garage-free motorists, some tire shops offer seasonal tire storage services. Others are starting to provide truck tire fitting services, in which there is less competition than in the passenger segment, while others are adding mobile workshops and on-site installation to the list of services. Although the latter option is considered a trend, it still does not have such competition as stationary tire shops. Judge for yourself, out of 475 companies providing tire fitting services in Rostov-on-Don, only 16 have an on-site installation service (2GIS data as of September 2018). Those workshops that perform work from rolling and straightening discs to complex repairs of side cuts also benefit. The standard of living of motorists is improving, and they are already willing to pay more to be able to have everything repaired in one place without getting dirty while waiting over a cup of coffee in a nearby cafe. That is why the option of combining a tire service with a mini-cafe is becoming more and more common.

Ready ideas for your business

If you do not understand the tire shop business very well, then you should consider the option of purchasing a franchise. Companies that offer franchises of tire shops offer ready-made work standards for employees, accounting systems for monitoring the progress of orders, necessary equipment and components. Typically, an entry fee and periodic, monthly or quarterly payments (royalties) are paid.

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At first glance, it may seem that opening your own tire shop is not the best option for a novice entrepreneur. Indeed, everywhere you look there are signs urging car owners to change tires or repair damage.

However, opening a tire shop is one of the few business ideas that, despite this niche in the market being completely filled, will generate good income.

Seasonality of business and other nuances

The largest percentage of profits occurs in spring and autumn, when it’s time to “change shoes”. Part of the money received is used to cover expenses associated with tire service activities in winter and summer.

Some entrepreneurs even suspend operations in the summer, but this is not an entirely optimal solution. Troubles such as a punctured wheel, deformed rims, or complete tire wear, which requires you to buy and install new tires, can happen at any time. Of course, in the summer there are no such queues as in the spring and autumn, but competition at this time of year is significantly reduced, because some services are temporarily closed.

If you decide to open your tire shop from scratch, pay attention to a number of other features:

  • the profitability of the business largely depends on the location (we will talk about this in more detail below);
  • opening a small tire shop does not require much initial investment;
  • The owner of a tire shop can work under one of several taxation systems (“simplified”, “imputed” or patent). Each of these reporting methods has its pros and cons. Thus, under the patent system, you cannot hire more than 15 workers. The difference between UTII is that the amount of tax does not depend on the profit received, while the number of employees is taken into account when calculating the amount payable to the budget. Those who work in simplified jobs pay taxes depending on the profit received;
  • You need to decide what kind of tire shop you want to open. The most common type is the stationary option. Such auto repair shops provide a full range of services related to the operation of tires and wheels. There are also mobile tire shops that provide on-site services to any specified location;
  • among other things, there are services that work with passenger vehicles, trucks or specialized ones (rare and sports cars).

What do you need to get started?

Before you go to the tax and other services, take care purchasing the necessary equipment and finding a suitable location. As practice shows, these are the activities that require the most time.

Make a list of the tools and equipment you need, find good suppliers and place an order (if the equipment is not in stock). Make a rough estimate and decide how much more money you will need to invest.

The situation is much more complicated with those who do not have initial capital. You can ask your friends or relatives for the required amount, but not everyone can boast of having wealthy acquaintances. Some sell vacant real estate and invest the proceeds in business. At the same time, you need to remember that any own business is associated with high risks, which means there is a possibility that you can be left without an apartment and without a business.

The best option for those who decide to open a tire shop is to contact a credit institution.

Some banks offer targeted loans on favorable terms intended for the development of their own business. Once the required amount is on hand, you can begin the immediate implementation of your project.

Another important point is drawing up a business plan. Some novice entrepreneurs skip this stage and make do with only compiling a list of expected expenses and income. However, a person trying himself as a businessman for the first time is still recommended to draw up such a project. This will help you plan your business activities wisely and effectively distribute funds.

Choosing a service location

One of the most problematic stages of opening your own tire shop is finding a suitable location. The most “profitable” places, as a rule, are already occupied, so you have to look for additional “loopholes”. It is necessary to locate the tire service close to busy highways or in the area of ​​garage cooperatives. Such places are rarely empty, so you need to study demand and find out which workshops cannot cope with the influx of customers.

If you see a long line of people at the tire shop wanting to “change their shoes” for the winter, and at the same time some impatient drivers turn around and leave, then the demand in the area is great, so you can look for a place nearby. Just don’t try to open a workshop across the street from a competitor – it’s not the best idea. Consider also places in the vicinity of car washes, gas stations and parking lots.

Please note that your tire shop should be clearly visible from the road. The room itself can be a large garage with a pit and convenient access. Also make sure there is enough parking space.

The size and furnishings of the room directly depend on what kind of clients you are going to serve. If the service is designed for VIP class clients, then the conditions must be provided accordingly. Designate a separate “waiting room” where car owners can drink tea or coffee while their car is being serviced.

Required personnel and equipment

The safest thing to do is to work with a trusted professional you know, but if there is no such person, you can advertise the vacancy in a newspaper or on the Internet. For a small workshop two or three people will be enough, one of which is yourself. If you have no experience in this field, learn tire fitting yourself. It’s not enough to be a manager; you also need to understand all the intricacies of business.

Over time, you will be able to train workers yourself and create a staff of good specialists. Be sure to follow your masters, check the quality of work and the funds received.

Some workers hide part of the proceeds or perform work at different rates. Do not spare money on installing video cameras - this will help you monitor the activities of the workshop, even if you are at a great distance from it.

When choosing equipment, be guided by your own budget. If you don’t have that much money, the solution would be to purchase used equipment. If possible, consult with a knowledgeable person to avoid purchasing damaged equipment. Below is an approximate list of necessary equipment for tire fitting:

  • A tire changing machine, such a device costs approximately 50,000 rubles;
  • A machine for balancing wheels, you can buy the device for 35,000 rubles;
  • Vulcanizer, prices start from 7,000 rubles;
  • Jacks, prices for them vary widely (the cheapest can be found for 1,500 rubles);
  • Compressor (from 150,000 rubles);
  • Additional tools and equipment: pneumatic impact wrench, tire inflation gun, wheel inspection bath, wrenches, workbench, etc.

Nuances when working with trucks and mobile services

It is most profitable to open a mobile tire service with an existing stationary workshop. At the same time, travel to your home or to any place in the city is possible provide as an additional service.

In order to open a mobile service, you need to purchase a suitable car. It will contain all the equipment with tools: balancing and tire stands, rolling jack, vulcanizer, compressor, etc. Take care of purchasing a generator that will provide the equipment with electricity.

The car must be such that it can freely accommodate all the listed equipment and not interfere with the craftsmen doing their work.

Make sure your car is in good working order and reliable., otherwise the reputation of your mobile tire service will be seriously damaged. Imagine a situation in which a customer's call is canceled due to a vehicle breakdown. Most likely, a person will not want to use the services of your workshop a second time.

Prices for mobile tire fitting services are slightly higher than the prices of stationary workshops. A significant percentage of the clientele is women, so employees must look neat and behave politely. Don't forget to advertise on your call vehicle.

It is somewhat more difficult to open a truck tire shop. Firstly, this requires more funds, and secondly, you need to choose the location especially carefully. The advantage of such a business is the almost complete absence of competitors, which means you can count on constant demand and high income.

How much does it cost to open and is it profitable?

It's time to take stock. Since prices are different in all regions, the total cost will also vary. Average, opening a tire shop can cost from 200,000 to 500,000 rubles(depending on the size of the workshop):

  • Purchase of equipment – ​​from 80,000 to 160,000 rubles;
  • Purchase of tools and additional equipment – ​​up to 20,000 rubles;
  • Rent – ​​from 20,000 per month;
  • Salary for two employees – from 40,000 rubles per month;
  • Consumables – from 8,000 rubles;
  • Furniture – from 8,000 rubles.

Things are much simpler if you have your own garage. You can open a small workshop in it, designed to service several machines per day. In this case, you can limit expenses to 35,000 rubles.

Now let’s calculate the approximate profit. If you service 25 cars a day, then you can earn 100,000 rubles a month on repairs alone: ​​the cost of repairing a wheel ranges from 100 to 150 rubles, so the cost per day will be up to 3000-4000 rubles. And if we consider the activity of tire fitting in the autumn-spring period, then revenue increases several times, because the service of changing tires will be in greatest demand.

Thus, opening your own tire shop is a profitable and inexpensive business, in which absolutely anyone can try themselves as a novice entrepreneur. With properly organized work, the business will pay off in the shortest possible time. Moreover, the number of car owners is increasing every day, and at the same time the demand for auto repair shop services is growing.

Interview with the owner of a tire service chain

The video shows an interesting story about this area of ​​business: